*2025-2026 Academic Year: I may admit one MA-PhD student and/or one BA-PhD student for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please note that BA-PhD slots are extremely competitive, as our doctoral program only admits two BA-PhD applicants per year. At this time I am most interested in working with students who hold a genuine interest in polyamory scholarship.*

I usually admit one student to work in the SHINE Lab per application cycle. Students have opportunities to contribute to existing projects, conduct secondary analyses using pre-collected data, and develop their own research studies that align with my areas of expertise. I encourage students to actively publish and present while pursuing their graduate degree and will work collaboratively with you to help you achieve your professional goals.

If you are interested in working together, you will need to apply for admission to Ball State's Counseling Psychology Ph.D. program. You can find more information about the program here. In addition to receiving research experience under my mentorship, you will receive rigorous clinical training through our department's community mental health clinic and external practicum training sites. Successful applicants to our program will have clearly defined research and clinical interests, as well as relevant experience supporting their interests.

Our doctoral program is distinguished from others by allowing students to receive "cognates" (minors) that are conferred on their transcripts. I direct the Sex Therapy cognate, which requires students to take coursework on topics such as human sexuality and LGBTQ issues. This cognate is designed to meet the educational requirements for AASECT's Sex Therapist Certification, and I welcome applications from students with an interest in sex therapy.

Health Professions Building at Ball State University